Update on Class: Free Will v Determinism

I’m really happy I decided to convert Reform. I feel it’s an open environment where any question is OK. When my Rabbi talks about the Torah being in complete harmony with evolution, I am thrilled. My Rabbi is so open minded and is teaching us that it’s OK to question everything.

Also, as a woman, I feel welcome there. There’s an entire book that is female oriented commentary on the Torah. It’s an expensive book but one I must save up for. Here’s the link to it.

Being a woman in Reform means I can contribute and participate fully. I can wear tallitot if I want and a Kippah. I will be treated equally in all cases. Which reminds me: Anat Hoffman was arrested yet again in Israel for trying to pray at the Kotel on Rosh Chodesh. She was roughed up by the police. This is the hold the Orthodoxy has in Israel and it’s pathetic. People are already anti-Semitic enough and when they see this kind of thing going on in Israel they think ALL Jews are like this. Then it gives them another reason to hate us.

I have a friend who is Orthodox and he has problems with women being equal to men. He has this understanding of what a woman’s ROLE is. I find it hard to talk to him sometimes. I don’t even think he believes the stuff he’s promoting but it’s rote memory. I do think that with me around he does question whether he should remain an Orthodox convert.

So I am using the lending library at my shul and I got an excellent loan book today called Why Faith Matters by Rabbi David J. Wolpe. Link I think I’m going to make some videos after reading this book about atheism and its complete misunderstanding of religion, faith and HaShem. There’s a great parable in the beginning of the chapter about Science and Religion. It goes like this:

A thousand years from now when scientists have solved all the questions that plague humanity, they are finally ready for the ultimate challenge. they elect a representative to address God.

“God,” says the scientist in charge. “You are no longer needed. You served a function in your day but that day is gone. We can do everything that You can do, so goodbye.”

There is a moment of silence. Then a voice booms out of the sky: “Everything?”

“Yes,” answers the scientist.

“Can you make a human being from dust?”


“OK,” says God, “let me see you make a human being.”

The scientist reaches down and digs his hands into the earth.

“Oh, no,” says God, “get your own dust.”

That alone would make an atheist cry. Not that I want to see atheists cry but some of them attack people of faith for no other reason than they assume they’re a soft target. Most of the attacking is done just for fun so others will laugh at the creationist.

I’m not a shrinking violet so I’m sure I’ll have some videos lined up when I’m done reading this.

So far we’ve learned 6 consonants and 2 vowel sounds in Hebrew class. I feel ahead of everyone else. There are some who don’t study and it takes up a lot of time. Someone actually tried to use the excuse that they spoke a romance language. I was like ‘how does that matter?’ I mean, I speak English and I have to learn this completely new language so what does speaking a different language have to do with it?

I just asked my Jewish friends whether they think Judaism is about free will or determinism? I said free will but my Rabbi said a mixture of both, which I agree with, but Judaism is about free will. We must take responsibility if we are to carry out our duties to help the world.

I’m Back

I took a long summer Sabbatical to work on my physical body and mind. I rode my bike by the creek and picked Lavender buds. I also had an incredible amount of dental troubles which are almost resolved.

During this time I started going to Erev Shabbat services. I finally got over my fear of not being accepted by the people. The service was beautiful and the woman sitting a seat away from me said she could hear that I knew much of the Hebrew. I told her I was a convert in waiting. She was extremely candid and helpful. Oneg Shabbat was delicious. I just happened to go at the time that berry season was at its peak. Strawberries, raspberries, honey dew melon, watermelon, blueberries, and several small cakes were waiting for us after services. I mingled a bit but I really felt uncomfortable.

Fast forward to the first day of Jewish school in September. I’m in a class with single women and married couples who want their spouse to convert. There are NO single men in the class. I wonder if this is a trend? The class has about 15 people. Rabbi taught the first class and we got our books. It was mostly just an overview of the High Holidays.

I didn’t get to attend the High Holidays because of these teeth of mine. I had surgery on my mouth on Erev Yom Kippur. I had a severe abscess in my premolar that extended to the back of my molar and into my upper cheek. I had the tooth taken out and the infection was severe enough to be prescribed antibiotics for a week.

The Psalms in Hebrew and Latin. Manuscript on ...

The Psalms in Hebrew and Latin. Manuscript on parchment, 12th century. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’m on antibiotics again for another abscess on the other side in my top back molar. I had a preliminary root canal a week ago and am recovering. Yes, I missed it all. Simchat Torah, Sukkot, and Yom Kippur.

Our last class was this past Monday where we had a Hebrew teacher from Israel. She looked like my

Mother. I did really well in class and since I’ve studied Hebrew on my own for a few months I am ahead of my classmates. We learned 3 letters of the Alefbet: Bet, Shin, and Tav. This was to make up a root word SBvT. I love the textbook we use. I can see how the structure of it is going to make everyone a good Hebrew speaker and reader.

After an hour of Hebrew, Rabbi came in and we talked about the week’s Parsha: Bereshit. I was not so surprised to learn that it was a description of evolution, which is HaShem‘s plan. Yom is not just a ‘day’ but an indeterminate amount of time. HaMayim, or the water, is the first thing we know about the earth and everything came from that water. Sounds like evolution to me. Of course, humans were the last thing created.

So what do I think of all this? I’m excited to learn. I love studying Torah so much that I have Jewish online friends I study Torah with twice a week.  I want this knowledge and I want to understand who I am. I’ve always felt Jewish and so far everything agrees with me and feels comfortable and home-like.

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